Therapy for Breaking Generational Cycles
Therapy in person in Elk Grove, California
I help people who are tired of feeling worried, confused and overwhelmed understand themselves with more confidence and less guilt.
My clients struggle as you do. Despite being caring, prepared and thoughtful, learning new ways of dealing with emotions is hard.
When they first come in, they are having a hard time making decisions. They are exhausted and they are tired of feeling like they are doing everything wrong. They feel like it does not matter how hard they try, they will never be good enough. They question whether they are doing their best and feel guilty if they don’t measure up. They are tired of putting themselves last and putting others first to please them and keep them happy. They know the people pleasing has been happening since childhood but they do not know how to stop.
Their worries, low self-esteem or hopelessness get in the way of the life they want in so many ways. It keeps them up at night because they cannot shut their brain off to fall asleep. They blame themselves while knowing they are really hard on themselves.
Before they came to see me, they worried that having boundaries would lead them to lose people they care about. They worried that having these feelings meant they are weak or were doing something wrong because they grew up listening to the stories of family members who’ve been through worse. They find themselves feeling easily irritated because it feels like their feelings or experiences don’t matter.
Like my clients, you deserve to feel seen and validated. You deserve to live a life that feels fulfilling with less regrets. You deserve relationships where your boundaries are respected. You are allowed to respect and hold your own boundaries so that you can feel satisfied and at peace at the end of the day knowing you did your best.
You don’t have to struggle alone. Call me to schedule a consultation to learn more about how therapy can help.

My wish for you is that you find a space where you can be yourself and feel safe and accepted.